Sunnudagur, 5. nóvember 2006
Detox í beinni uppskrift frá Guði ?
Fann einhvern megrunarkúr sem er byggður á bók sem heitir "Daniels Diet" ..
þar er einhver "Guðlegur innblástur" á ferð.... ekki veitir af fyrir suma
Er að fara til London eftir 10 daga og frétti að nú væri vigtað í flugvélina og borgað eftir vigt. Þess vegna, og aðeins þess vegna (hehe) ætla ég að prófa hér nýjan "detox kúr" .. virkilega harðan. (Má ekki drekka kaffi né alkóhól)...
Fann þetta á netinu ef einhver vill gera þetta með mér (5-10 kg á 10 dögum ? )
Nenni ekki að þýða þetta en dekki það sem skiptir máli!
Enjoy the experience, experiment with different foods, and see and feel the benefits of detoxing while feeling clean and healthy. Perhaps even share it with friends, groups and families so you can reap the rewards together, and encourage each other.
The key to detoxing is eating as much as you need without overeating, losing and maintaining weight, and enjoying the results.
There are certain principles that have to be followed on this diet, keeping in mind that it is based on a specific time frame i.e. 10 days. This 10-day plan can be revisited at any time you choose and the recipe ideas can be incorporated into your long-term lifestyle as well.
For more details on what foods should and shouldnt be eaten and why, please refer to the book that inspired these recipes Daniels Diet.
The food list
It is helpful to find a thriving health store in your area. There are many organic vegetable suppliers around. If you are having trouble locating them, try asking at your health store or naturopath.(Mæli með Fjarðarkaupshorninu) The people involved in natural health usually have a network to draw from simply ask. There are also vegetarian cooking classes in most towns or cities for those dieters who wish to learn more in that field.
Here is a list of the necessary products for this diet.
* Organic nuts and dried fruit
* Dried beans, all varieties: navy, black-eyed, green, broad, etc
* Red and green lentils, split peas
* Miso. This is soya with sea salt and water, a great addition for soups and flavour for vegetable casseroles.
* Organic Tamari an all natural, all purpose, wheat free soy sauce. It enhances the taste of salads, vegetable dishes, brown rice dishes and potatoes.
* Herbamare seasoning
* Celtic sea salt and cayenne pepper
* Herbal soup stock - No MSG or hydrolysed vegetable protein
* Garlic and dried, organic herbs
* Brown rice or Basmati
* Shitake and Reishi mushrooms. These mushrooms are immune boosters.
* Unfiltered, unpasturised Apple Cider Vinegar
* Xylitol or the herb Stevia for a sweetener. Do not use chemical (diet) sweeteners e.g. saccharin and aspartame.
* Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Variety is important especially from the cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts and cauliflower. One or more of these should be eaten every day. Use fresh where at all possible, frozen is the second choice. Avoid canned and packet foods.
* Natural soap without chemicals and with natural fragrance.
* Natural toothpaste and deodorant (containing no aluminum)
Flaxseed Oil (hvað er nú það)
2 x tablespoons tahini
Juice of ½ lemon
2 x tablespoons flaxseed oil
Dill to taste
Herb/vegetable salt to taste
LEGUME RECIPE serves one
In a saucepan add 1 cup of cooked legumes eg chickpeas, aduki beans or mung beans the variations are endless.
(What I do is cook up a big pot of legumes and then weigh them out into cup proportions, bag and freeze so I have them already to pull out of the freezer for a quick meal).
½ cup cooked brown rice or millet or buckwheat (like wise I cook up a big pot of rice or other grains and weigh into ½ cup portions and freeze).
2 cups of sliced or diced assorted vegetables eg carrots, sweet potato, beetroot, turnip, spring onions, zucchini, broccoli, silver beet any combinations, lots of variety.
Some herbs and or spices eg curry, mixed herbs fresh is best (some fresh herbs like parsley can be left till just as you serve, stir in) or some fresh ginger, garlic, chilli, turmeric and Celtic Sea salt. The variations are endless. Sometimes I add a little Tamari sauce to give a more Asian flavour or lemon juice.
Add a cup or two of filtered water depending upon if you want a soupy meal. I allow God to be my guide at the time. If you dont, add less water or if you need it can be thickened with a little arrowroot, first mixed with a little water and added just before serving to thicken. Cook one minute. This gives a different texture.
Cook till vegies are just cooked or cook root type vegies for a few minutes before adding your leafy green vegetables as these dont take as long to cook. You just want them to steam a little.
Pour into a large bowl, sprinkle a teaspoon or two of extra virgin olive oil on top, thanking God for your food and enjoy.
Tomato-based Vegetable Soup/Sauce
Your choice of vegetables
Celtic salt for seasoning
Chop everything up, simmer until cooked. Enjoy as a chunky soup or pureed. Can be added as a sauce to other vegetables, brown rice etc.
To detox these are not allowed:
NO - Dairy food
This includes; any of the following ingredients added to foods: Milk solids, skim milk, milk protein, non milk fat solids, whey, casein, caseinate, lactose, sustagen, Milo.
NO: cows milk, butter, ice cream, cheese, chocolate, cream, yoghurt, cream soups, dairy based dips.
NO Wheat or other grains
This includes NO bread, pastry, breakfast cereal, cereal coffee, gravy, cake, sauce, pasta, biscuits.
NO Caffeine
This includes NO coffee, black tea, cola drinks, cocoa, decaffeinated coffee,
flavoured milk drinks or diet powders, energy drinks.
NO Fruit Juices
This includes NO fruit juices (shop bought or home-made). 100% or 25%
NO Yeast
This includes NO bread, yeast based spreads, vegemite
NO Sugar
This includes NO granulated sugar of any colour, artificial (diet) sweeteners, Lollies/sweets, breathe fresheners or chewing gum.
NO Fried foods
This includes NO foods cooked in oil, foods soaked in oil to enable them to be baked (i.e. oven chips).
NO Chemicals
This includes NO artificial sweeteners, artificial flavourings, artificial colourings, artificial preservatives.
NO Sauces & spreads. All shop brought ones, as these have too many additives and are mostly very acid.
NO Gravies. Most have flour (grain) base and chemicals additives.
NO - Eggs
NO - White Rice
NO - Table Salt
NO - Alcohol
Limited Potatoes
Whilst these are a vegetable they should only be eaten in moderation. Potatoes tend to be over consumed in our society. They are a carbohydrate with a high glycaemic index, which means they can interfere in some peoples ability to lose weight. If you do choose to eat them during this 10-day program eat them during the middle of the day and not in the evenings. This will lessen their affect on your weight loss. To benefit from the nutrients they contain bake or steam potatoes and eat them with their skins on.
Sweet potatoes come from an entirely differently family to the potato despite their name. They are very nutritious and can be eaten every second day, instead of ordinary potatoes.
Principle 2- The Yes Foods
These are the wonderful foods from Gods garden - meaning all fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and one grain i.e. Brown rice.
Eat these as much as you feel you need to and 5 times daily. No skipping meals.
Hehehe, gettu hver er fyrst að kommentera og sýna þessu dextoxi áhuga, ég er sko til í þetta með þér!
Hulda Kristín (IP-tala skráð) 6.11.2006 kl. 22:01
En hvað ef maður drekkur ekki kaffi? og varla alkahól?
Sif (IP-tala skráð) 7.11.2006 kl. 10:08
Þá bara heldur maður áfram að sleppa kaffi og sleppir alveg alkóhóli! :)
Jóhanna Magnúsar- og Völudóttir , 7.11.2006 kl. 13:42
Þá bara heldur maður áfram að sleppa kaffi og sleppir alveg alkóhóli! :)
Jóhanna Magnúsar- og Völudóttir , 7.11.2006 kl. 13:42
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.